The act of murder is shocking, and when kids are the killers, we are especially concerned.
Children are not supposed to be so wanton, so tainted, so frightening. There is a common belief in the innocence of the young, a hope for their future against which the sobering episodes of violent behavior raise profound questions for society.
Although most people have murderous thoughts, very few of us act on them. We do not know
exactly what causes one person to take the life of another, but we do recognize varying patterns of homicide. Perhaps the most prevalent contemporary pattern is gang-related murder. Some of these acts seem to be violence for the sake of violence; others are associated with turf, the drug trade, exaggerated “macho” exploits and initiation rites.
Unfortunately, kids kill for other reasons too. For example, juvenile murders often are planned
acts committed in conjunction with other criminal offenses. Kids also are involved in
interpersonal conflicts, many of which result in the murder of a friend, acquaintance or family
member. Other juvenile murder patterns include psychotic, sex-related and “senseless.”
Exactly what the “lethal spark” may be that distinguishes killers from non-killers is not known.
Hence, the ability of clinicians to predict exactly who will commit murder is nearly impossible.
What we do know, however, is that there are identifiable influences of society, school, family
and psychology observed in kids who kill. Kids who kill (as well as many others involved in
violent or illegal acts) tend to be influenced by the factors listed below.
Social Factors
Availability of drugs
Decay of neighborhoods
Disputes over money, romance or territory
Easy access to firearms
Gang participation
Peer pressure
Racism and prejudice
Violence in the media
Educational Factors
Disruptive classroom behaviors
Dropping out
Failing grades
Lack of motivation to learn
Learning difficulties
Poor student/teacher relationships
Suspensions and expulsions
Violence in and around school
Family Factors
Absence of moral standards
Experiencing or witnessing domestic violence
Extreme sibling rivalry or discord
Family financial problems
Family members who are or were gang members
Parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs
Parents who were abused or neglected as children
Parents with a delinquent or criminal history
Parents with a history of mental illness
Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
Poor parent/child relationships
Prolonged stress within the family or between family members
Serious neglect (especially during formative years)
Psychological Factors
Acute, smoldering anger
Alcohol or other drug intoxication
Antisocial attitudes and values
Chronic lying
Faulty impulse control
Feelings of alienation
Head injury
History of delinquent acts
History of violent behavior
Inability to form or maintain meaningful relationships
Lack of conscience and concern for others
Low self-esteem
Mental deficiencies
Neurological impairments
Obsessive fascination with the occult or Satanism
Personality disorders
Poor coping ability
Poor emotional control
Serious or prolonged stress
Sexual dysfunction or promiscuity *
*Adapted from our book, Kids Who Kill